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Handler · Version 2

Sharepoint Event Create Microsoft SharePoint

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This handler makes a SOAP call (using Savon) to the SharePoint Web Services to create a new event in a SharePoint calendar. After configuring Savon to work with the given account credentials, a few inputted values are checked for validity while the time parameters are configured so that SharePoint will recognize them. Next, the Batch XML structure is built to give the Web Service the information it needs to create the new event, which is then passed via a SOAP call to SharePoint, where the event is created on the specified calendar. Any errors that occur during this process will be caught and re-raised by the handler. Authentication is done through SSL, so the SharePoint site being accessed needs to be setup to allow SSL connections.

  • Make sure the SharePoint Web Services database is turned on.

How to Obtain the Homepage URL Info Value

To find the homepage url, all you have to do is look at the URL of any page on the SharePoint site. The url that should be inputted should contain both the base url (the top-most site in the collection) and the sub-site that you are on. For example, given the following URL: The base site is "", the sub-site is "development" and the 'HomePage URL' task info values should be set to:

Name Description Sample
username The username of the Sharepoint account.
password The password of the Sharepoint account. *********
domain The domain of the Sharepoint server where the information will be pulled from.
homepage_url The url for the homepage of the Sharepoint site that this handler will have access to.
enable_debug_logging Enable debug logging if the value is set to 'Yes'. No
Name Description Sample
Title The title of the new event. Sample Title
Location The location of the new event. City Hall
Start Date The start date of the new event in YYYY-MM-DD format. 2013-11-03
Start Time The start time of the new event in HH:MM format. Both 12 hr (01:00 PM) and 24 hr (13:00) formatting are allowed. If it is an All-Day event, leave this blank. 03:00 PM
End Date The end date of the new event in YYYY-MM-DD format. 2013-11-04
End Time The end time of the new event in HH:MM format. Both 12 hr (01:00 PM) and 24 hr (13:00) formatting are allowed. If it is an All-Day event, leave this blank. 05:00 PM
Description A description of the new task. This is a sample event
Category The category that this event will be filed under. Work
Calendar The name of the calendar you wish to add this event to. The default calendar is 'Calendar'. Calendar

SharepointEventCreate_V1 (2012-08-03)

  • Initial version. See README for details.

SharepointEventCreate_V2 (2013-10-08)

  • JOpenSSL updated to version 0.8.8 and self signed cert info value removed.
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