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Handler · Version 2

Google Apps Calendar Create Google Apps

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This handler uses the Google API library to create a new secondary calendar in a Google Calendar account. The handler needs a refresh token and the cooresponding client id and client secret to authenticate to successfully create the new calendar (information on how to retrieve can be found below). The parameters are then slightly modified so that they work within Google's API and then the new secondary calendar is created and posted to the given account. Any errors that occur during the posting process will be caught and re-raised by this handler.

  • In order to use this handler, the account specified by the task info values needs to enable Calendar API in admin account.

How to retrieve the Client Id, Client Secret, and Refresh Token

To enable the Calendar API and get Client Id and Client Secret:

  1. Navigate to the 'Google Developers Console' 

  2. Click on the Create Project button (or if you have an existing project that you wish to keep using, click on the project name.) 

  3. Go to the APIs page and turn on the Calendar service 

  4. Go to the Credientials page and Create a new Client Id 

      * Select 'Installed Application' for the application type 

      * Select 'Other' for the Installed Application Type 

To retrieve the Refresh Token for the account you want to post to

  1. Put this url into your browser, while substiuting [:client_id] for the client id of your application 


  2. Choose or add the account that you wish to connect the handler with 

  3. Click accept to give your application permission to modify the calendar 

  4. Copy and paste the success code that appears on the page 

  5. Send a post request to get the refresh token 

      * This can either done with Curl or with a browser extension like Advanced REST Client in Chrome (A sample curl call is below) 

POST URL = POST Parameters: code=[:code]&clientid=[:clientid]&clientsecret=[:clientsecret]&redirecturi=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob&granttype=authorization_code

Sample Curl Call: curl -- data "code=[:code]&clientid=[:clientid]&clientsecret=[:clientsecret]&redirecturi=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob&granttype=authorization_code"

Name Description Sample
Event Title The title of the new calendar
Description A brief description of the new calendar Testing the create calendar handler

GoogleAppsCalendarCreate_V1 (2012-08-07)

  • Initial version. See README for details.

GoogleAppsCalendarCreateV2 (2014-06-03)

  • Changed handler to use a Refresh Token, which changes the info values to Client Id, Client Secret, and Refresh Token. Also adds 'id' as a results return value, updated Google API to v7.0.1.
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