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Handler · Version 1

GitLab Branch Create GitLab

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Creates a new branch using an existing branch or commit SHA in an existing GitLab project using a user's private token (obtained in GitLab under the intended user's 'Settings' => 'Account'). The source location for the new branch is found through providing the projects path (which is the project name provided in the URL - not necessarily the same as the readable name) and an existing branch or commit SHA. Once this is found, the new branch will be created with the given name and the previously found source. An empty result set will be returned on a successful branch creation.

Name Description Sample
Project Group Path of the group where the project is located (defaults to the GitLab default group if not provided). super-secret-group
Project Path Path of the project where the branch should be created. test-project
Branch Name for the new branch. master
Branch Source Name of another branch to use as a source for the new branch (can also use a commit SHA). develop

GitLab Branch Create V1 (2017-10-02)

  • Initial version. See README for details.
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