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Handler · Version 1

GitHub Team Create GitHub

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This handler is used for creating a new team within an existing organization on GitHub. After authorizing the given account using a github token, a team is created within the organization.

Getting your GitHub personal API access token

1. Go to 
2. Click "Create new token" in the "Personal API Access Tokens" section. 
3. Use the new token and username of the account with KineticTask. 

This API token essentially is a password for the user. The user can delete this token at any time in their GitHub settings/applications to revoke access of any applications using it.

Name Description Sample
Organization Name Organization to create the team in. Acme
Team Name Name for new team. Alpha
Permissions Permissions for the team. pull -or- push -or- admin
Repositories Add repositories for the team. acme/widgets, acme/handlers

githubteamcreate_v1 (2013-06-06)

  • Initial version. See README for details.
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