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AWS EC2 Create Network Interface Amazon EC2

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Creates a network interface in the specified subnet. For more information see the Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute User Guide online.

The Dry Run parameter validates user permissions and inputs. If it is set to true, an error will always be thrown by the handler before completing the handler action. Error response will be 'DryRunOperation' if the account has proper permissions and inputs; 'UnauthorizedOperation' if the account does not have proper permissions.

Name Description Sample
Dry Run Dry run validates user permissions and inputs without completing the EC2 action (true or false). false
Subnet ID The ID of the subnet to associate with the network interface. subnet-c5311aef
Description A description for the network interface. sample-network-interface
Private IP Address (Primary) The primary private IP address of the network interface. If you don't specify an IP address, Amazon EC2 selects one for you from the subnet range. If you specify an IP address, you cannot indicate any IP addresses specified in Private IP Addresses as primary (only one IP address can be designated as primary).
Security Group IDs The IDs of one or more security groups, separated by commas.
Private IP Addresses One or more private IP addresses in JSON format. Note: only one IP address can be designated as primary, and if you are using the 'Private IP Address (Primary)' as well as this field, that will be the primary -- [{"private_ip_address":"IP address","primary":true},{"private_ip_address":"IP address","primary":false}] [{"private_ip_address":"","primary":false},{"private_ip_address":"","primary":false}]
Secondary Private IP Address Count The number of secondary private IP addresses to assign to a network interface. When you specify a number of secondary IP addresses, Amazon EC2 selects these IP addresses within the subnet range. You can't specify this option and specify more than one private IP address using Private IP Addresses 5
Name Description
Network Interface Id The Id of the network interface
Subnet Id The Id of the subnet
VPC Id The Id of the VPC
Availability Zone The availability zone
Description A description
Owner Id The AWS account Id of the owner of the network interface
Requester Id The ID of the entity that launched the instance on your behalf (for example, AWS Management Console or Auto Scaling).
Requester Managed A boolean indicating whether the network interface is being managed by AWS
Status The status of the network interface
MAC Address The MAC address
Private IP Address The IPv4 address of the network interface within the subnet
Private DNS Name The private DNS name
Source Dest Check A boolean indicating whether traffic to or from the instance is validated
Groups A list of security groups for the network interface
Attachment Attachment Id The Id of the network interface attachment
Attachment Instance Id The Id of the instance
Attachment Instance Owner Id The AWS account Id of the owner of the instance
Attachment Device Index The device index of the network interface attachment on the instance
Attachment Status The attachment state
Attachment Attach Time The timestamp indicating when the attachment initiated
Attachment Delete On Termination A boolean indicating whether the network interface is deleted when the instance is terminated
Association Association Id The allocation id
Association Allocation Id The association allocation id
Association Public IP The address of the Elastic IP address bound to the network interface
Association Public DNS Name The public DNS name
Association IP Owner Id The Id of the Elastic IP address owner
Tag Set Any tags assigned to the network interface
Private IP Addresses A list of private IPv4 addresses associated with the network interface

AWS EC2 Create Network Interface V1 (2017-08-21)

  • Initial version. See README for details.
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